IMP RECONDITIONED ENGINE PRICES FULL RECONDITIONED ENGINE SPECIFICATION Head/block casting pressure tested, stud, bolt threads reclaimed as necessary, gasket surfaces refaced, cylinders rebored/flexed honed (for improved piston ring sealing), new pistons + rings reground or new crankshaft/bearing shells, new gaskets, seals, rebushed conrod, new s/end bushes, new big-end bolts (as specified), new oil pump rotors, timing chain, valves, guides, and springs, refaced tappets, recut valve seats (3 angles to correct width of seat and improve air flow). ALL ENGINE PRICES ARE EXCHANGE UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE, Exchange unit must be undamaged and suitable for reconditioning. Surcharge for non exchange: |
MK2 full engine: 65.00 / Head assembly: 30.00 | |
Sport full engine: 120.00 / Head assembly: 80.00 | |
Sport Head casting only: 60.00 | |
875cc IMP ENGINE (reconditioned) | |
Reconditioned as specified. MK2/series 4* | 870.00 |
Reconditioned as specified. SPORT | 910.00 |
998cc IMP ENGINE (reconditioned) | |
As 875 + STD* | 1180.00 |
Block converted to wet liners, which are bored + honed for the 72.5mm pistons inc. high tensile B/E bolts. SPORT | 1220.00 |
Above fitted with steel faced head gasket, if required: head machined and assembled with Wills rings, add = | 86.00 |
1040cc engine with Wills rings (74mm bore) SPORT | 1320.00 |
Built to the same standard as a reconditioned unit, utilising selected second hand/serviceable parts, i.e. pistons/block crank, valves, as and when available, however all rebuilt/overhauled engines are built with new piston rings/gaskets, recut valve seats and in most cases oil pump rotors and valve guides. Please do not confuse these rebuilt engines, or compare to that of the cheap second hand engines you may see advertised, after all a second hand engine doesn't come with new gaskets, rings, not to mention recut valves + seats faces etc. These prices are only a guide, i.e. subject to the necessary parts being available. |
875cc SPORT/MK2 ENGINE (rebuilt/overhauled) from | 400.00 |
930cc SPORT/MK2 ENGINE CONVERSION (rebuilt/overhauled) from | 500.00 |
950cc SPORT/MK2 ENGINE CONVERSION (rebuilt/overhauled) from | 560.00 |
998cc/1040cc SPORT ENGINE CONVERSION (rebuilt/overhauled) from | 650.00 |
Rebuilt/overhauled Fast road 988cc/1040cc Engine from | 900.00 |
Rebuilt/overhauled Competition 988cc/1040cc Engine from | 1300.00 |
REG PATTEN Phone/Fax: 020 8661 0183 |
R.S. Patten • 116 Courtney Crescent • Carshalton • Surrey • SM5 4NB |